
False Reality – Am I still dreaming?

I know many of us have had dreams that felt as though they were real and suddenly you wake up thinking “Did that just happen?” But what if this reality we wake up in is all a dream and actually when we go to sleep we are back in the “real world?” It is definitely possible, I mean we never know when we are dreaming, its only when we wake up that we realize it was a dream or at least that’s what we think. The ability of the mind to be tricked into believing a dream world is the “real world” has led people to wonder whether it is possible for one ever to be sure, at any given point in time, that one is not in fact dreaming, or whether indeed it could be possible for one to remain in a perpetual dream state and never experience a true state of consciousness in the “real world”.

In a sense, everything that we see throughout our life is like a big dream. We are living in fields of frequencies and energies that we are decoding every minute of every day to the constructs of what we call reality. Therefore, our reality is just a holographic projection of what we perceive to be real. Think about it, have you ever been looking for your phone but can’t find it and then someone else looks in the exact same place you just looked and finds it. This is because the mind didn’t decode the frequency surrounding the phone so we couldn’t see it in its physical form.

Is it ever possible to know what is real and what isn’t? Maybe we wasn’t meant to know, maybe by having all these different theories and questioning whether it could be true or not is the very point of our existence. If we just knew all the answers we have ever had questions to, including whether or not this reality is real, then we wouldn’t be able to grow and expand our minds to all possibilities.

“What if when we are born, it is actually us dying from a previous life and the 9 months it takes for us to be born, is how long we have to live in that other life?”



There are many answers to this question but will we ever know the answer we are looking for? If someone asked you “who are you?” and you replied saying “I’m James” this would be a normal response most people would give by stating their name but is this who we are? I mean we were given these names at birth and at the end of the day they are just names, we have the ability to even change our names if we want to. So how can we be one name and then change to another, if that first name is who we are?

Nowadays, we self identify with so many different things whether it be race, religion, political view etc. and society has made us identify as each one of these things, like when we fill out these forms and we have to check the box that we identify as. So in a sense, society has formed our identities for us and not allowed us to actually find out who we really are, they just have us believe that we are just human beings with all these different identifiers they give us.

When you think about it, even friends and family, most of the time not intentionally, will have you believe that you are what they say you are. For example, your friends may say that you are the party person/life of the party, so now whenever you are around them, you feel like you need to be this expectation they have of you even though this is not you, it’s just a mask you put on to hide your true self, but because people have told you that you are this person, you have then come to believe that this is who you are.

In any event, all these different variables distract us from the truth of who we really are which is infinite consciousness having a human experience. Everything we see in each other is us seeing ourselves, we are all the same consciousness but we are just having different human experience, so it makes us feel disconnected from one another due to self identifying with the human experience.

In my opinion, I don’t think we have the capability to fathom who we really are, as what we are cannot be explained in a way that we could comprehend in this human experience, so the best way of explaining it is to say that we are infinite consciousness, we are everything and we are noting at the same time.

“Don’t let someone’s opinion of you become your reality”