
Happy and free

My life seems to be getting better now.
I can see greatness on the horizon.
What can you see?

I have still have one more hurdle to get through.
But in this moment I feel happy and free.
Will I make it through?

I am grateful for where I am now.
Things could have been a lot worse.
You will get through this!!!

“Allow yourself to transform as many times as you need to be truly happy and free.”


Untitled unity

We are trapped in a cycle of deprivation.
Oppression has forced us to identify as the colour of our skin.
But it is what unites together us through those difficult times.

This is how the system has trapped us.
They have us identify with the very thing that keeping us trapped.
But have us embrace that very thing so we won’t want it to be taken away.

We want to get rid of racism.
But try to solve the problem in the very system that created it.
We need a new one.

I am not black, I am not white.
These are just the colours of our vehicles.
We are so much more!!!

“We were all human being until race disconnected us, religion separated us, politics divided us and wealth classified us.”

This video came out 3 years ago, but it is still to this day one of the best videos I have ever seen. I hope you enjoy 🙂

Why do you even care?

You sent me a text the other day.
You wanted to see if I was okay.
Why do you even care?

You didn’t seem to care before.
You made that pretty clear.
So why now?

You are just trying to make yourself feel better.
You don’t really care.
I’m done with you!!!

“When it hurts to move on, just remember the pain you felt hanging on”


Life wasn’t meant to be easy

Life is full of surprises.
But don’t let that steer you off course.
Why did this happen?

Life wasn’t meant to be easy.
But you shouldn’t let that stop you.
Why is this so hard?

Each experience will only make you stronger.
Just keep persevering.
You can do this!!!

“We may never know in this life why we face what we do, but we can feel confident that we can grow from the experience.”


Better days ahead

I wake up feeling good.
Just another day in paradise.
What shall I do today?

It’s easy just to do nothing.
But I have to stay active and stimulate my mind.
When will this end?

I have to stay strong and keep going.
Nothing lasts forever.
It will get better!!!

“Some days you just have to create your own sunshine”


Keep moving forward

Don’t let your past hold you back.
Just keep moving forward.
How much further?

There is light at the end of the tunnel.
Nothing lasts forever.
Can I make it?

You can get through anything.
Nothing can get you down.
You are a champion!!!

“You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.”


Psychadelic Universe

Infinite consciousness vibrating through time.
Embrace the flow of energy coming through.
Can you feel it?

Life is full of endless possibilities.
Each one with the potential for greatness.
Can you see it?

The perception of my reality and experiences.
I call it “Psychadelic Universe.”
This is who I am!!!

“The eye only sees what the mind is prepared to comprehend”


Am I lost?

I feel like I am lost.
I’m not sure what I am doing.
Am I going the right way?

I think I should go this way.
Life is pulling me in this direction.
Where am I?

You are on the right track.
Just keep going.
Is it my time yet?

“You are not lost, you have just arrived early to where you need to be and have to wait for your intended time to succeed.”


Enjoy your life

Live your life to the fullest.
Make every moment count.
Are you ready?

Life will take you where you need to go.
Not where you want to go.
But why can’t I go this way?

Don’t fight it.
Just enjoy the ride.
Life is your creation!!!

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced and enjoy.”


How are you feeling?

Search deep inside yourself.
Tell me how you are feeling.
Are you okay?

Don’t be afraid to show your feelings.
You will feel so much better.
Are you sure?

Just let it all out.
Don’t hold back.
How do you feel now?

“Always be true to your feelings, because the more you deny them the stronger they become.”