
Double-sided life

Caught between two versions of yourself.
The one you see and the one you don’t.
But which one is true?

Stuck in the dichotomy of life.
Split into two directions.
How do I be myself?

Be the version we don’t see.
This is your true self.
Don’t live a double-sided life.

“I am the brightest light beaming from the darkest depths”


Metaphysical Obscurity

Looking through the window of life.
Gazing beyond the mystery.
The reality of the unknown.

Inter-dimensional quest for greatness.
Confidence with every stride.
The metaphysical obscurity that lies ahead.

Embracing the spiritual connection.
Encapsulated by everything around me.
What’s going on?

“This universe is not outside of you; look inside yourself, everything that you want you already are.”


What’s next?

Looking over the horizon.
Trying to see what my future holds.
But I just have to be patience.

Walking into the unknown.
Not sure what’s next.
Which way am I going?

The world has so much to offer.
Endless limitations.
But which one is for me?

“Life is unpredictable and you never know what is coming next. Don’t get to comfortable, always be ready for change”


What is real?

Walking around in this cosmic paradox.
Questioning whether this reality is real.
Where are we?

Trying to scope out what is real.
Looking beyond the depths of my perception.
What can you see?

Blissfulness all around me.
Confusion encompasses my surroundings.
What is real?

“Don’t trust everything you see, even salt looks like sugar”


Life is good

Life is amazing.
It feels great to be alive.
I feel so lucky.

Nothing will bring me down.
I’ll just keep pushing through it.
Life is good.

Perseverance is key.
Just take in the moment.
Life is a blessing.

“Life is like a camera; Focus on what’s important, capture the good times, develop from the negative and if things don’t work out take another shot.”


Not what you expected

It happened in the most unusual way.
Astounded by way took place.
I was not expecting that.

It took me by surprise.
My life would change forever.
That what not what I expected.

I’m learning to make the best of every situation.
Life has its ups and downs.
But I’m still standing!!!

“Learn to trust the journey even if you don’t understand it, sometimes what you never wanted or expected turns out to be what you need.”


Nothing last forever

Everything comes to an end eventually.
No matter how bad things may seem.
There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Keep a positive mindset.
Stay strong and keep going.
Just believe in yourself.

Your time is coming.
You just need to be patience.
Nothing last forever.

“Everything in life is temporary. So if things are going good enjoy it because it won’t last forever and if things are going bad, don’t worry because it won’t last forever either.”


A life worth living

Just live your best life.
Don’t worry about what others think.
Be who you want to be.

Life is too short.
Make the most of each day.
Live in the moment.

Your life can change in an instant.
Don’t take anything for granted.
Be grateful for being alive.

“Everyday may not be good, but there is something good in every day”



I made a mistake.
But I take ownership for it.
I accept what has happened.

I’m ready to move on now.
It’s time to start rebuilding.
I can do this!!!

Nothing lasts forever.
The only way is up.
Let’s go!!!

“Without personal accountability we cannot grow nor can we ever improve ourselves”


The flow of life

Just go with the flow.
You need to trust the universe.
Why can’t I be in control?

Life takes you where you need to go.
Don’t fight it.
But are you sure?

Life will become so much simpler.
Just let go.
Enjoy the ride!!!

“Those who flow as life flows, know they need no other force”